(臺大終身職特聘教授/教育部國家講座教授) |
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數學建模 (與臺大數學系林長壽教授合開)
大氣海洋之應用數學 (※課程海報)
(Fluids2008NCTS & NCTU
2015 |
Aug 12 ~ 13 |
暑期數值天氣預報簡介課程(PDF) |
Aug 06 ~ 07 | 暑假流體力學與生物力學短期課程(PDF) |
Jul 07 ~ 08 | 暑假數學建模與科學計算短期課程(PDF) |
Jun 30 ~ Jul 01 | 資料分析與統計短期課程(PDF) |
2014 |
Aug 25 ~ 26 | 暑假數學建模與科學計算短期課程(PDF) |
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 2學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 大學部一年級 |
開課頻率 | |
課程目標 |
1.藉由師生互動,培養學生正確的學習態度與學習「學習」的方法,並引導學生適應大學生活。 2.培養學生獨立思考的能力以及激發其主動探索的精神。 3.學生對數學模式之體用與美的感受 4.跨領域的感受 |
教材 | |
評分 | 評分方式以通過(Pass)/不通過(No Pass)表示之,評分依據著重於課堂參與、書面或口頭報告,非考試分數。 |
課程大綱 |
紹混沌和蝴蝶效應,並以前述觀點,討論一些有趣的動力系統例子(如愛情模式,歷史模式等),最後就個人學習經驗,分享對生涯規劃看法。 |
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 2學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 大學部 |
開課頻率 | |
課程目標 | This course is aim to give a college-level science student how to use differential equations to facilitate the scientific research. The students will learn the usage of mathematical model to distill theories from empirical data and to quantify the theories with a set of governing mathematical equations. 課程討論如何以數學模式強化科學研究。學生學習數學模式協助從資料建立理論,以及對理論的數質量化。 |
教材 | Modeling differential equations in biology, by C. H. Taubes (ISBN
978-0-521- 70843-2) |
評分 | Based on the class presentation and discussion performance. |
課程大綱 | This course will discuss the book of Modeling differential equation in biology by C. H. Taubes. The book is based on a very successful one-semester course taught at Harvard University for life science students. The book covers the basics of ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and dynamic system analysis. Each chapter is with accompanying articles from the current biology and earth science research literatures (most from Science and Nature) that illustrate the utility of the mathematics learned in the chapter. These articles are to make convincing example that the mathematics learned is essential and relevant to the scientific research. Even the book has the title in biology; the course is suited for general students in science and engineering. The students will be required to read the supporting articles and to present in the class. |
必修/必選/選修 | 必修 |
學分 | 3學分 |
全/半年 | 全年 |
授課對象 | 大學部二年級 |
開課頻率 | |
課程目標 | |
教材 | P. V. O'Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5th edition, Brooks/Cole 2003. |
評分 | 至多3次考試、作業以及小考 |
課程大綱 |
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 3學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 生命科學系與動物所 |
開課頻率 | |
課程目標 | 本課程以Adler的教科書為內容,以講演型式,介紹應用於生命科學的基礎微積分學與機率。于宏燦和林雨德教授亦將協助課程中生命科學進階專業知識部分。 |
教材 | Frederick R. Adler, Modeling the Dynamics of Life, Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists, Brooks/Cole , 1998. (ISBN 0-534-34816-5) |
評分 | 至少兩次考試、以及多次作業為主 |
課程大綱 |
必修/必選/選修 | 必修 |
學分 | 3學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 大學部三年級 |
開課頻率 | 每學年下學期 |
課程目標 | 提供瞭解大氣流體運作所需之基礎動力學。 |
教材 | An introduction to Dynamic meteorology (Holton) |
評分 | 5次作業 40% ,3次考試 60% |
課程大綱 |
1-5週 Atmospheric Waves (Chap 7):
6-9週 Atmospheric instabilities (Chapter 8 and 9):
10週後General Circulation (Chapter 10 and 13):
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 3學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 大四以上或研究生 |
開課頻率 | 每2至3學期 |
課程目標 |
教材 | Numerical Methods for Wave Equations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamic(Durran) |
評分 | 含電腦作業共8次作業 60%;期末報告 20%; 一次期中考 20% |
課程大綱 |
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 2學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 大四以上或研究生 |
開課頻率 | 每2至3學期 |
課程目標 | 本獨立研究討論大氣動力、物理與流體力學等相關之課題。依學生要求調整討論之課題與深度。 |
教材 | 自訂 |
評分 | 作業、閱讀與期末報告 |
課程大綱 |
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 3學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 大四以上或研究生 |
開課頻率 | 每2至3學期 |
課程目標 | 提供大氣環流、物理、化學、生物圈運作所需之流力動力背景。 |
教材 | Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (Cushman-Roisin) |
評分 | 6次作業 40%,3次考試 60% |
課程大綱 |
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 2學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 研究生 |
開課頻率 | |
課程目標 | 為培養學生深入掌握閱讀與分析颱風動力專業論文,瞭解一些颱風研究的重要里程碑、關鍵問題本質、以及颱風研究新的想法。 |
教材 | |
評分 | 依據課堂表現或寫作報告 |
課程大綱 | 以『對稱』與『不對稱』動力為研究方向區分,以下列少數重要議題供參考及上課討論;修課學生亦可自行選擇許多未包括於下的颱風相關重要論文或議題進行報告。
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 0學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 對颱風流體力學有興趣之各大學高年級生或研究生 |
開課頻率 | |
課程目標 | |
教材 | |
評分 | |
課程大綱 |
程將以數學公式推導與物理詮釋為主,並以數值 /流力實驗動畫與簡報圖檔輔助教學。
大氣海洋之應用數學(Fluids2008NCTS & NCTU 秋季跨領域課程)
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 3學分 |
全/半年 | 全年 |
授課對象 | 研究所 |
開課頻率 | |
課程目標 | |
教材 | |
評分 | |
課程大綱 |
Earth’s atmosphere and ocean exhibit complex patterns of fluid motion over a wide range of space and time scales. This is a course on the fluid dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean, with emphasis on the concepts and mathematics. Arthur Eddington, the British astrophysicist once remarked, “Never trust an observation without a supporting theory.” The purpose of the course is to provide interpretations (theories) and its supporting mathematics rather than the specific observed phenomena. The course may be useful for people who are interested in understanding the physics, chemistry, and/or biology of Earth’s fluid environment. 1. Conservation laws and basic equations 2. Circulation, vorticity, and potential vorticity 3. Normal modes 4. Quasi-balanced states and quasi-geostrophic analysis 5. Barotropic equations and geostrophic turbulence 6. Boundary layer dynamics 7. Waves and instabilities---linear perturbation analysis 8. The vortex dynamics 9. The general circulation dynamics 10. Numerical modeling and prediction
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 3學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 大四以上或研究生 |
開課頻率 | |
課程目標 | 希望透過本課程學生能具備進階、重要的大氣動力知識,以及瞭解最新大氣動力學的研究成果。 |
教材 | |
評分 | 作業(40%)程式作業(30%)考試(30%,兩次) |
課程大綱 |
1. Fundamentals and the ultimate problems 2. Governing equations 3. Quasi-equilibrium dynamics 4. Vertical transform 5. Geostrophic adjustment 6. 2D turbulence 7. Normal modes 8. Tropical cyclone dynamics 9. Large scale ocean circulation 10. Boundary later dynamics |
大氣海洋流體力學特論 (Topics in Atmosphere-Ocean Fluid Dynamics)
必修/必選/選修 | 選修 |
學分 | 1學分 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
授課對象 | 對大氣海洋流體力學有興趣之各大學高年級生或研究生 |
開課頻率 | |
課程目標 | Earth’s
atmosphere and ocean exhibit complex patterns of fluid motion over a
wide range of space and time scales. The slow-manifold dynamics, as
well as the scale interactions, are of vital importance. This is a
special short course focusing on the large-scale atmosphere-ocean fluid
dynamics (AOFD), the geostrophic turbulence (i.e., 2D turbulence)
dynamics and some related topics. The theory of geostrophic turbulence
relies on two important components: a conservation principle that
energy and potential vorticity are nearly conserved and an
irreversibility principle that breaks the time-reversal symmetry of the
exact inviscid dynamics. The AOFD can be understood quite simply in the
form of isentropic fluid dynamics. The course may be useful for people
who are interested in the understanding of the climate, weather,
physics, applied mathematics, chemistry, and/or biology of Earth’s
fluid environment. |
教材 | |
評分 | |
課程大綱 |
1. Conservation laws and basic equations: Rotation and stratification; potential temperature/density; the primitive equations; The vertical transform and shallow-water equations 2. Circulation, vorticity, absolute vorticity and potential vorticity: Helmholtz theorem, Gauss’ theorem, Stoke’s theorem, and Kelvin circulation theorem; Bjerknes solenoidal term, Rossby and Ertel’s potential vorticity (PV) equation; Impermeability theorem of PV substance. 3. Potential vorticity conservation and isentropic fluid dynamics: Thermodynamic reversibility and entropy, Diabaticity and mixing, The equations of motion in isentropic coordinates, Ertel’s PV and entropy conservation Quasi-geostrophy in isentropic coordinates 4. Slow manifold quasi-balanced dynamics and 2D turbulence Bachelor’s hypothesis, selective decay of enstrophy; Geostrophic Adjustment, secondary circulation equation; Examples in vortex dynamics and filamentations. 5. Hamiltonian formulation [*optional] Re-derivation of isentropic equations Particle-re-labelling symmetry and PV conservation (Chapter 7.2 of Salmon) Non-canonical Hamiltonian dynamics and PV as a Casmir (Chapter 7.10 of Salmon) Ref.: Lectures in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, R. Salmon Air and Water-the biology and physics of life's media, M. Denny Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics, J. Marshall and A. Plumb Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, G. Vallis Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics, A. Gill Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Pedlosky, J. |